February 13, 2011

Aligning Themes in a View

Aligning raster data with unprojected vector data in a view

If grids or images you are using have been projected in a package such as ARC/INFO,
they can be aligned with vector data in decimal degrees. Since the grid or image does not
project in ArcView, simply project the view. The unprojected vector data will project to
align with the raster data.

To align your raster and vector data :
1. Determine the projection parameters used when your image or grid was projected.
    For grids, this information appears in its prj file. For images, check any available metadata
2. Add the image or grid to a view. Also add the unprojected vector decimal degree data.
3. From View Properties, select Projection to display the Projection Properties dialog box.
4. Set the view’s map projection to match the parameters of the grid or image. If the
    parameters of the projection do not match those of ArcView’s standard projections,
    try using a custom projection. Use the table below as a guide.
5. Click OK on the Projection Properties dialog box.
6. From View Properties, set the Map Units of the view to match the projected units
    of your image or grid. For example, if your image is projected to State Plane feet,
    set the Map Units to feet.
7. Click OK on the View Properties dialog box. ArcView redraws the view using the
    projection you chose, and your themes should align.


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